Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Deontology: Ethics and Kant Essay

In our world today it is often hard to genuinely decide what in fact is right or wrong. The reason that it is so tough to determine is because of our human nature given everyone has their own opinion. We do not all think the same or think the same actions and consequences have the same effect. It is this reason we analyze situations with ethical theories, such as that of Kant’s deontology. Kant’s theory in its own right has a strong moral foundation in which it seems understandable to decide what is right or wrong. However it has its weakness as well. To me however, I believe Kant’s theory on deontology offers a sound premise for which to determine what is morally right or wrong. Kant’s theory on deontology is a way of assessing one’s actions. One’s actions are either right or wrong in themselves. To determine if actions are right or wrong we do not look at the outcome in deontology. Instead Kant wants us to look at the way one thinks when they are making choices. Kant believes that we have certain moral duties in regards to one’s actions. It is our moral duty that motivates ones to act. Theses actions are driven either by reason or the desire for happiness. Since happiness is differs from person to person, it is conditional. Reason on the other hand is universal and can be applied to all making it unconditional. In Kant’s theory on deontology, actions are either intrinsically right or wrong, which is based largely on reason. Kant says that it is in virtue of being a rational being that we as humans have the capacity to be moral beings. Also that moral law amounts to one’s duty. Kant says duty is grounded in a supreme rational principle, thus it has the form of an imperative. To determine what actions one should take Kant utilized imperatives. Imperatives are a form of instructions that will guide an individual on what one should do. Kant had two classifications between imperatives, hypothetical and categorical. Hypothetical imperatives can apply to one who aspires for a desired outcome. These imperatives allow one to take an action for the method of obtaining a certain outcome, meaning if one has a desired outcome, then they ought to act. Kant has divided hypothetical imperatives into two subcategories, the imperatives of skill and imperatives of prudence. The imperatives of skill are imperatives that lead to an action in which the end result desired would be anything other than happiness. The imperatives of prudence are imperatives that lead one to actions, where the desired outcome is happiness. Kant believes that morality however is not like this. Morality does not tell one how to act in order to achieve a goal. Instead morality is made up of categorical imperatives. Kant taught that morality is universal, meaning it could be applied to all and moral law must be obeyed. He believed that when we act we are using moral law and act on the maxims, or the universal rules, of our actions. Kant’s categorical imperative states one can â€Å"act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become universal law. † Kant’s uses categorical imperative commands one to take an action. Before one can act they must analyze the principle on which they are acting. Once they have determined why they are acting, it may no longer be ideal, then it is wrong for one to use that maxim as a basis for taking that action. Kant’s principle of morality is the categorical imperative. This means that as an imperative it is a command and being categorical the command has its whole worth with in itself. The categorical imperative doesn’t have some proposed end as in a hypothetical situation, it has its own rational necessity in its justification. Kant’s principle of morality is essential to â€Å"good will. † This is a will that acts for the sake of duty. It is the only thing that is good without qualification. Thus a good will cannot be made better or worse by the result it produces. Good will is also the basis for a major part of Kant’s theory and that is the Universal Law Formula, which is the basis in which Kant uses to determine whether or not things are morally right or wrong. This formula states that one should act in such a way that your maxim could become a universal law of nature. That is if you took your belief or ideal and applied it to the entire world would it hold true and not contradict itself. Kant’s categorical imperative has two formulations included within it, one being the Formula of Universal Law and the other being the Formula of Humanity. The second formulation, The Formula of Humanity, is a principle under the Formula of Universal Law. Kant’s defines the Formula of Humanity as â€Å"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. † This formulation states that one’s actions are immoral if it is using a person as a means to an end. It also has to be understood that Kant’s ideals greatly fall on a matter of agency, whether or not you are in fact the one willing an action that causes a negative outcome even if you did so now the result of that action would do more good. Because you took action you are the agent that caused a negative outcome. The proposed â€Å"better† outcome has no value towards the morality of your action. Kant’s strengths in his theory are that they can be applied to nature as a whole, thus the universal law formula. His theory doesn’t depend on an individual’s virtues or character. His weakness is that his morality is based on one’s personal action and doesn’t take in to account the outlying consequences that could ultimately benefit from that action. With Kant’s theory I believe we can make a more sound argument as an approach to ethics. With Kant we have to take situations and become very specific with them. We focus on what the action is and universalize it. That way no matter where in the world it can apply to everyone and won’t contradict itself. Then and only then we decided if it is morally right. Also Kant’s theory is good because it leave no grey area with its matter of agency. It doesn’t let possibilities of better or worse consequences affect the morality of the action in question. Thus I believe in all Kant has a more promising approach for ethics.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental Issues of the 21st Century

â€Å"Today human actions have become major forces in the operation of the earth system. They increasingly challenge the system boundaries of the planet, which will result in fundamental, unprecedented and unpredictable changes in the earth system (UNEVEN, 2012). † This Is the most Important perspective we have to consider as we enter and currently live In the era provided by the 21st century. Everything happening In this world Is dependent or, If not, manipulated, by human beings.We have become the most superior entity on this planet to the point that we can tinker and choose our planet's destiny. Given this notion, the most infamous environmental concern which got into our senses from the time we hit this century â€Å"can [simply] be categorized according to the major themes of global environmental change- water, climate change, the marine environment, and so on (UNEVEN, 2012). † This phenomenon or change in natural trends, habitats, and, is of course, caused by the acts of us humans, being the superiors of this natural cycle.There are numerous aspects of environmental change like water, climate, etc. But what we all know Is that the reason behind these changes Is collectively bound by the excessive ND Iniquitous acts of man because of their Inventions and stubbornness. Change In water Is caused by water pollutants which come from factories and garbage which Is a product of man. Change In climate Is due to greenhouse gases which come from burning of chemically hazardous wastes which is made by man and burned by man.Change in marine environment is cause by excessive fishing, and water pollutants as well which are both acts of man and products of man. These are Just a few examples of how some aspects of environmental change are done. From here, we can derive he idea that these changes in trends and systems in nature are all put together by man and their acts. To make it a lot more concrete and practical, probably the most important environmental and social concern that has to be tackled would be the products and actions of man and how this can be grounded on awareness and ethics.This concern has reached out and affected numerous fields of science which sometimes are not really related to each other (like: tampering with evolution via biotechnology up to climate change Oval greenhouse gases) except for the sole cause of these occurrences which is man's actions. To say that the concern is solely environmental change would be a bit of an understatement. The real concern would probably be the uncontrollable acts of man.It is disturbing that a single cause could actually affect different aspects in different ways to the point that naturally-known ways and cycles are tipped by mere inventions, ignorance of man, and selfishness. Awareness in the 21st century is solely fixated on man. The man that we know of today has become that catalyst to tip eras of evolution and natural cycles that have been existing before us. The man that we know of today has become the sole manipulator by turning supposedly naturally occurring phenomenon to dissipate or to be created and run artificially.If we look around us, different environmental concerns have arose which show a single symptom; change. But all these changes and concerns boll down to one single factor; human Intervention. In this century, everything that has happened and changed, environmentally speaking, can be Justly blamed on humanity â€Å"Soc TTY NAS already confronted a most to global environmental challenges including loss of biodiversity, climate change, water and and degradation among others, and, through persistence and ingenuity, has found many solutions to these challenges.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discuss how the media has influenced visions of female sexuality in Essay

Discuss how the media has influenced visions of female sexuality in the 21st century - Essay Example Over the years, women have worked hard to attain high levels of education and gain higher positions within the workforce ladder. However, a gender gap still exists even in these modern days where women’s goals and aspirations have been misrepresented. The media has played one of the greatest roles in this as it has conditioned the masses to believe that women’s success is based on their appearance and attractiveness (Gentile 2). Despite the fact that women work hard to earn these good jobs and vital roles in the society, they still feel the need to appear attractive in order to feel a real sense of success. The media through its advertisements and television programmes has only portrayed attractive women to be successful. As the young children grow assimilating these images in their minds, they can only combine women’s success and their appearances (Goh-Mah 2013). The media has created ideals of a perfect female body when presenting women throughout their broadcastings in the modern society. The media has programmed people to believe that tall, lean, and light skinned women are a symbol of beauty in the society. This has been emphasised by the fashion and entertainment industries, which are mostly viewed by the young generation. Advertisements have upheld and continued to portray this belief as they clearly depict a picture where a woman will enhance her appearance just to attract a man that she will get married to (Strohmeier 2013). These are marketing ploys to ensure that these companies sell numerous beauty products, shoes, clothes and other commodities. Youngsters do not understand this and they grow up already having a perception that model-like figures and accessories are symbols of beauty. This has led to the development of self-esteem issues among many people who don’t possess these features, therefore, taking some people to ex treme measures

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Crossover of Opera to Popular Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Crossover of Opera to Popular Music - Essay Example Opera music also has an extended work that is dramatic in nature. How opera crossed over to film commercials and radios In Western opera, narratives are usually expressed musically in radio commercials. This may seem unrealistic at times. Several arias can be removed from opera music without affecting the story lines at any point in time. Despite removing all the gratuitous arias, Western opera music has never been criticized at any point. The reason is that most people believe that opera is a little concerned with narrative of the economy and realism. Hindi films are perfect examples that show how opera music has transformed from the music part into films. The powerful films, television, radio commercials and the internet demonstrate steps taken by India to embrace the crossover. It is arguable that some Hindi songs are better incorporated and presented. The music has incorporated opera music into their films. Their films are gratuitous and they can be seen to arise from familiarity of some set conventions. These conventions deem the cinema with characters voicing their emotions. Although there is immense pressure from Hollywood, high Western and cultural discourses see the Hindi films immature and unrealistic due to the incorporation of opera music in their films. The musical nature of Hindi films is usually characterized as expressing emotions in a large way. With their films not showing any signs of abandoning one of the most important parts of the narrative expression, it is harmless to say that Hindi film songs have demonstrated incorporation of opera music into their films. They tend to retain the cinematic and dramatic qualities rather than become an independent tradition. How music listeners listen to opera music even though they do not realize. There are people who listen to music but they do not know what kind of music they are listening to. They may even be watching Hindi films that have got opera music incorporated in them, but they have never know n that they are listening to opera music. For one to actually appreciate the music, one should buy a ticket so that they can appreciate the music. Many people feel that opera music may not be proper for the first time. Before one sits down to enjoy the music, a little of effort is required from the listener. One should know the kind of work that is going to be performed early in advance. The listener should have learnt, at least early enough, about the music. This is done by listening to the music before and understanding it perfectly well. For sure, listening to the music is a source of joy and fulfillment either at home or in the theatre. The first thing that people should do in order to learn the music is to know the story. This is quite crucial as it helps to know the synopsis and understand the libretto. Both the libretto and synopsis are found in the CD set. They can also be found in the internet. Conceptualizing themes Habanera Habanera is a famous aria that originates from t he opera Carmen. It was written by Georges Bizet. The habanera is at times referred to as â€Å"Love is a rebellious bird†. Habanera is usually based on a scale that is chromatic in nature and descending. It is then followed with variants of similar phrases in the major and minor keys. They usually correspond to the vicissitudes of lyrics that are expressed in the form of love. A brief synopsis of the story of Carmen The story was done George Bizet and this was one of his famous opera. The setting was in Spain

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Glent case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Glent case study report - Essay Example HP understands this through both it training program, benefits and bonus incentives.2 The key notion that Weber developed in order to balance out the inherent inequalities is that of the rationalizing of the organizational structure where those who benefit the company and follow the rules and procedure enjoy incentives; whereas those who break these rules are punished. Hence if the values of the company's structure and the goal's of the employee can be rationalized and de-mystified then a satisfied and motivated workforce can be instituted to achieve the best organizational structure. In order to do this there needs to be a structure which ensures that at the higher the level of management there is a higher the standard of care and duty, which can be seen in the transparent structure of managers for specified organizational roles. However, this cannot be limited to following a set of rules, because rules do not Weber sees it as an important factor that has shaped society and importan t to understanding the development of societal structure and management. Therefore this brings the marrying of the different key elements of the individual and rationalization that Weber focuses on, but it cannot limit the company to rules without consideration of the individuals. Although rational management of individuals is important, to limit the emotions and interests of the management in respect to the rights and goal of company, as a whole, there has to be consideration of each individual in order to create a system of fairness, transparency and accountability for the employee. Hence, there cannot be a focus on a pure bureaucratic approach as the following examination of employee diversity approaches will illustrate. Therefore the first problem with the Glent case study is that there is not enough one on one employee treatment; rather there is a rule book which is not dealing with the problems. Diversity not only refers to race, gender, religion and culture it also refers to the type of employees that are in the structure. There are those employees that work through initiative, which will be limited by a bureaucratic approach, there are those who enjoy following a strict structure that this bureaucratic approach is essential and finally there are those who will slack without proper supervision, which the bureaucratic approach lacks. Therefore the company has to take upon the different diversity approaches and work it into the company, where the most important factor is an efficient and flexible manager. Diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly prevalent with persons of different backgrounds, cultures, sexes, social and political choices.3 This creates a more interesting scene, but makes it harder for management because it is easier to oversee a homogenous group than that of a diverse group. It is essential that the manager is seen as both objective and empathetic to all employees without discrimination or bias. This is difficult because it is normal for a manager whose demographics are the same as a certain cleavage in the workplace to emphasize with that group; however personal feeling cannot overtake their position of authority and obligations as a manager.4 Therefore it is essential that a manager does not judge on the basis of difference, rather uses this difference and diversity to create a more cohesive group through communication of personal experiences and ideas. This is a learning

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management Change - Case Study Example In considering the movement of an organization from one country to another, the impact of the international environment has to be considered primarily as the organizational structure is highly influenced by the international marketing environment. In this discussion we focus on the nature of the organizational structure and the impact of the international environment on the company that is analysed here and would also discuss the cultural and non cultural factors that seem to affect an organization that shifts base from one country to another (Axinn and Matthissens, 2006). We examine the organizational structure, also the international environment and business environment on international marketing strategies. The implementation of the marketing mix is also considered along with the effects of internationalization and movements of a company from one country to another (Axinn and Matthissens, 2006; Balmer, 2006). ... The focus is on understanding the dynamics and relationship between the origin and destination markets. The four elements of marketing mix consist of the marketing tactics and deals with price, place, product and promotion. These four Ps are the basic elements of marketing but recent theories on 7Ps have added people, process and physical evidence in the marketing mix (Balmer 2006, Gronroos 1993). These elements are important as what customers and buyers get will depend on the combination of the suitability of the price, the quality or acceptability of the product in the market, promotional services done to sell the product and the place in which the product is being sold. Thus some major issues in marketing success relate to the place in which a product is launched or promoted and if the environment is suitable for the product then it would be considered as successful in terms of place, as the place is in accordance with the expectations of the company if the product sold and the ma rketing techniques used are commensurate with the needs of the environment or social conditions. As place defines the social environment, it is an important ingredient in the success of any marketing program and is a part of the marketing tool as the place will show the marketing environment to be considered as also issues such as how far the local environment is suitable for launch or marketing of the product (Gronroos, 1993; Balmer, 2006). The place involves the cultural as well as social values, the lifestyle of the people, the preferences of the surrounding locals and residents, and the geographical or environmental factors that can affect the sale of a product

Transnational Negotiation Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Transnational Negotiation Experience - Essay Example There is a very tight competition in transnational banking markets. Due to the market competition, many people consider that one of the best ways for managers to be able to compete in the market is to increase their negotiation skills not only when dealing with clients but also with a large group of employees. Given the fact that I have been employed in a local bank for a little more than four years, I intend to describe two of my personal negotiating experiences with bank clients and a bank manager I dealt with several years ago. In the process of discussing my personal negotiating experiences, strategic ways I have applied when dealing with a client and a group of employees will be tackled. Eventually, the outcomes of each negotiating processes will be analyzed. For several years, I work in a local bank as a teller. As part of a teller’s main tasks, it is my job responsibility to provide the clients with competitive quality customer service at all times. One way to ensure that clients are given good quality customer service is to ensure that each client receives an efficient and accurate banking transaction processes. Aside from giving them quality service, part of our job is to sell the bank’s newly offered products and services to our customers each day. In many cases, I have come across dealing with clients who are planning to open new personal accounts. The most common queries I have received from clients is where to put their money to earn the biggest interest rate for their savings. Normally, I would discuss with them several bank products such as a normal savings account which they can easily open with a minimum deposit of US$200 which comes with a passbook and an atm card aside from the time deposit option of 30, 60, and 90 days which gives more interest rate than a normal personal bank account. Upon presenting the bank products they can choose from, I would intentionally inform them the advantages and disadvantages of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Energy in food lab practical Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Energy in food lab practical - Coursework Example However, the results are valid for the determination of the energy content of foods. The energy intake in human beings is dependent on the diet. There is increasing evidence that the dietary energy density is an important characteristic in estimating energy intake. The challenge however lies in the development of methods to derive energy density (Cox and Mela 49). Therefore, the determination of energy density of most diets can be deemed as a multifaceted if not involved process. In connection to this, there are factors that limit the accuracy of the procedure and its totality in estimating the energy density of a given diet. Three methods have been previously documented and compared in the determination of Energy density. The first is all foods and beverages, the second considers only food and caloric beverages and the third is biased towards food only. It is evident from a consideration of each method that there will be significant differences in the energy density obtained. . Fats carbohydrates and proteins are the chief sources of energy in the human diet. Fats and carbohydrates contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen whereas proteins in addition to these contain nitrogen. The heat released through the oxidation of food is the heat of combustion, and it is widely accepted to be synonymous with its gross energy value. The primary objective of this research was to determine the energy density of bread, mushroom, and oil Bread, oil, mushrooms, distilled water, clamp, boiling tube and burner. Also, thermometer, Heatproof mat, Measuring cylinder, 50 cm3 or 100 cm3 and Mounted needle with wooden handle. In addition, Tongs or forceps for food samples that cannot be impaled Thermometer (–10 Â °C to 110 Â °C) and Eye protection were also used. The food samples of mushrooms and bread were dried before being cut into 1 cm2 or 0.5 cm3. The boiling tube was held in position using a clamp stand and 20ml of water transferred into it. The water temperature was measured

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare And Contrast Lions And Tigers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare And Contrast Lions And Tigers - Essay Example The paper discusses that both lions and tigers happen to be big cats that share many similarities and tend to differ in many aspects. Lions tend to be the largest members in the cat family that are found in Asia and Africa. Lions are mostly yellowish brown in color with no peculiar features on their skin. Lions are not good swimmers (Robinson 46). Lions usually live in families called feelings of pride, in which both the male and females participate in raising cubs (Robinson 47). When a new lion takes over a pride, he kills the cubs born of the previous male that led the pride (Robinson 48). Tigers are big cats mostly found in Asia (Robinson 131). Tigers have a striped hide and are mostly yellowish brown or white. Tigers are good swimmers. In contrast to lions, the tigers do not live in feelings of pride but tend to be alone, except during the mating season (Robinson 131). The caring of the cubs is mostly confined to the female. Tigers though being territorial do not kill the cubs born of other tigers while courting a female. Lions and tigers both belong to the cat family. Lions are mostly found in Asia and Africa while the tigers are confined to Asia only. Lions are single colored while the tigers have a striped hide. Lions and tigers both happen to be territorial. In mating season lions kill the cubs born of other males, while tigers do not do so. Tigers, unlike lions, are good swimmers. Lions and tigers both happen to be members of the cat family sharing many similarities and differences.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Accountability and Outcomes in the Counseling Profession Assignment

Accountability and Outcomes in the Counseling Profession - Assignment Example Most therapy is also not conducted on a quick basis and often takes multiple sessions over a given length of time in order to address the problem. With healthcare reform and the declining economy, many third parties and governmental agencies question whether the counseling they are funding is effective or not. The field of program evaluation aims to attempt to provide a systematic approach to evaluating the methods to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of counseling techniques and strategies. Increasing pressure for efficiency has lead many to question the accountability of therapy techniques used on clients. Is there a way in order to gauge the effectiveness of counselors when they conduct therapy on clients? Many people are interested in a way of showing this effectiveness, but therapists often argue that it is impractical to measure one’s improvement in therapy due to success being really immeasurable (Sexton, 1999). It depends on why the person is coming in for cou nseling. Some are in so that they can get a quick fix to their problems while others continually come in for support; this poses a problem when looking at counseling effectiveness. When looking at counseling programs, we are focusing on the outcomes which can be divided into process objectives and outcome objectives.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mussoliniss Foreign Policy Essay Example for Free

Mussoliniss Foreign Policy Essay How consistent was Italian foreign policy between 1922 and 1943? Mussolinis main aim through foreign policy was to exalt Italys pride, which was seen severely deteriorated after the First World War. By the statement My objective is simple. I want to make Italy great, respected and feared Mussolinis objectives are clearly can be clearly deduced. However, historians still disagree over Mussolinis conduct of foreign affairs, in the years between his assumption of the premiership and the conquest of Ethiopia in 1935-6. Some support the view, once he acquired strong dominance on the communists, that the imperialism of 1930s was the unplanned response to domestic problems of a dictator whose main concerns where the internal consolidation of his regime. More recently, however, the balance of opinion has tended towards the belief in the underlying consistency of Mussolinis foreign policy. Mussolinis foreign policy operates along fairly well-worn paths, and his main areas of interest remained the Mediterranean, Africa and the Balkans Mussolinis foreign policy operates along fairly well-worn paths, and his main areas of interest remained the Mediterranean, Africa and the Balkans. As these two aims were, to some extent achieved during the 1920s, Iitalian foreign policy became increasingly expansionist in the 1930s, aiming not only to control the Mediterranean but as well, the African Empire. In the course of 1922-3 the weakness of Italys position became all too clear to Mussolini. He first failed to gain any substantial concessions in Africa or in the middle East from Britain and France when, at the Lausane, the negotiated a new peaceful treaty with Mustapha Kemal after his successful resistance would avoid the Treaty of Sevrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s to be applied on Turkey. Secondly, he was also unsuccessful in exploiting in the interests of Italy the international crisis caused by the French occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923. Mussolini changed his role from mediator between France and Britain, who opposed the occupation, to opponent of at one point of a potentially anti-British building bloc, composed of the main Continental States. He was mistrusted by both, London and Paris and was set aside from the European stage. The incident in Corfu, in 1923 gave Mussolini the reputation of being a dangerous firebrand. In 1923 Mussolini seized the chance to occupy Corfu, a strategically important island guarding the Southern entrance into the Adriatic, given that the Greek government seemed to refuse to pay the 50 million lira compensation they asked for the assassination of an Italian general and his staff, who were mapping out for an international inter-allied Commission the new Greek- Albanian frontier on Greek territory. Mussolini not only rejected the Leagues intervention but began to build a military base in the island. The incident was celebrated as a great success for Mussolini however, in reality it was a diplomatic defeat for Mussolini, since he had been forced to leave Corfu by Anglo-French pressure. However, Mussolini felt obliged into adopting a more conventional foreign policy. Mussolini could not run the risk of isolating Italy from the rest of Europe, therefore seeked for to establishing closer relationships with Britain and France. Mussolini, in order to maintain an independent state, cultivated the friendship of Austria and Hungary and in 1930 a similar treaty with similar treaty with Austria. Relations with Austria became ever closer after Hitler came to power in Germany after Hitler came to power in Germany and Mussolini provided the arms and money for the Austrian chancellors private army. In 1924 the Pact of Rome was signed with Yugoslavia, by which Italy received the long-disputed town of Fiume, though a part of it, Susak, went to Yugoslavia, along with port Barros. Two treaties with Alabania were signed in 1926 and 1927, firmly established Italian influence in Albania. This marked the first stage in Mussolinis efforts to establish Italy in the Balkans where Czechoslovakia, Roumania and Yugoslavia were tied to France, Italys like enemy, ver closely. During the 1920 Mussolini realised that he needed the friendship of France and Britain in view that he could not yet attempt to have the Versailles treaty revised in his favour. He went to Locarno thus in 1925 he went to Locarno and signed the treaties which guaranteed the frontiers between France and Germany, as well as the ones between Belgium and Germany, and in 1928 he signed. In particular, he drew closer to Britain, and though he privately resolved to end British power in the Mediterranean, he saw her as a possible friend in any future conflict. The frontier between Libya and Egypt was reached through an agreement, and there was a possibility of British aid for the railway building in East Africa. During the 1920 therefore, Italy remained a member of the League of Nations and acted as good citizen of Europe. Mussolinis foreign policy therefore followed a peaceful path. However, the peaceful pattern which Mussolinis foreign policy followed during the 20s was to be changed suddenly in the 30s, and thus also the slight consistency it had been following so far. This was mainly caused by Hitlers advent to power, what obviously altered things considerably. Mussolini saw the potential of a German alliance against Britain and France to revise the 1919 settlement; on the other hand he took care of having Germany too close. In April 1933 Goering and Papen visited Rome, however, all what Mussolini could achieve was German agreement to the Four Power Pact (between Italy, Germany, France and Britain) to keep peace in Europe, thus replacing the League. It was even signed actually by Germany and Italy (on 15 July 1933). A crucial meeting with Hitler took place in his visit to Venice in 1934. The meeting went bad unfortunately, since Mussolini refused to have an interpreter despite his German being very poor, so the meeting meant little to either. Things became worsened by the crisis following the death of Dollfuss a month later, so that Mussolini was far from being an ally of Hitler in 1934-5. Mussolini even attended the Stressa conference in April 1935, which was called by France, and in which it had to be considered what action to take in order to guarantee the independence of Austria. Italy joined to the declarations and protests, partly in genuine hostility to Germany, but mainly to avoid British and French hostility. In the 1920s the Italian empire was hardly promising. In Lybia, which was the territorially the heart of the Empire , but only some 2000 Italians had settled there and by 1930 it was costing over 500 million lire per annum, compared with 107 million in 1921. There were two smaller Italian colonies which looked more promising, for they bordered on to Ethiopia (Abyssinia), one of the few remaining independent kingdoms of Africa. Italy therefore took special interest in Abyssinia, sponsoring her membership on the League in 1923 and signing a treaty of friendship in 1928. However, in view that Haile Selassie (the ruler) did not intend to allow his country to be dominated by a modern power (signature of a treaty with Japan in 1930) Mussolini considered the possibility of war to force Abyssinia under Italian control. The clue incident which brought war about was the Ual Ual incident, in which the Italians claimed the right to use this oasis, which was located in the border of Abyssinia and Italian Somaliland, which was marked in the maps as being part of Abyssinia. Italians in Ual Ual were therefore murdered in the oasis in December 1934. Mussolini demanded an apology as well as compensation from Abyssinia, while the Abyssians claimed investigation from the League of Nations, and were pleased in May 1935. Mussolini made preparations for his attack, by either building up forces and sounding out the attitude of Britain and France. In June, Enden, on behalf of the British government offered the Abyssinians a corridor to the sea through British Somaliland if they gave Mussolini part of Ogaden, offer however rejected by Mussolini. In the summer Italian troops under generals de Bono and Graziani arrived at Eritrea. Mussolini continued to make noises about his intentions, feeling disastified by the League resolutions in which it established that neither part was to be blamed by the Ual Ual incident. Italians brought war about provided that the meeting the held with British and French, in which Italy was offered the opportunity to develop Abyssinia provided that the Abyssinians agreed, did not satisfied Mussolini, since he foreshadow that it would be unlikely to obtain such agreement. The conquest of Abyssinia was regarded as a major triumph in Italy, ranking alongside the Concordat of 1929. Mussolini had said the Italian character has to be formed through fighting, and he stuck at this idea definitely between the 30 and until the 40s, completely contrasting the peaceful means through which Mussolini had been able to achieve good foreign relationships, by the 1920s. When the Spanish civil war broke out Mussolini supported immediately Franco and the Nationalists by providing them with men and equipment, on the grounds that he could not allow a communist government to be formed in the Mediterranean. It deepened the rift between Italy and Britain and France, and aligned Mussolini more firmly with Germany. In 1936, exalting the new closeness between Italian-German relationships, the October Protocols were signed. Italy conceded German predominance in Austria, while Germany recognised the Italian empire in East Africa. Both governments agreed on the danger of Communism and the need to keep a careful watch on alleged British plans for encirclement. There was also to be close co-operation between the two powers in Spain. The axis however was not a formal treaty and Mussolini was by no means committed to German alliance. Mussolini, on his visit to Berlin in September 1937, seemed more convinced than ever that Nazism was an invincible force in Europe and Italy had no choice but to ally herself with it. He thus distanced himself further from Britain and France, and joined with Japan and Germany in the Anti-Comitern pact on November. In 1938 Italys weakness was underlined by the fact that neither Shuschnigg nor Hitler bothered to contact Rome, when the Anshluss was signed. Mussolini also was powerless to back Schuschnigg in his attempt to renounce the ultimatum for the Anshluss. . Mussolini was to pay the price for his break with Britain and France in 1935. Mussolini therefore decided to retake Italys traditional policy of equidistance between the Western powers and Berlin. By the Munich agreement Musolini could effectively stop Hitler plunging Europe into war before he judged Italy to be ready for it. It was a considerable diplomatic succes for Musolini and was praised as the man who saved the world. However, Italys policy of equidistance did not last for long. Since Mussolini decided a full military alliance with Germany, since he considered than a German alliance was intended to be more an instrument of diplomatic pressure than a prelude to war. Mussolinis Foreign policy was therefore inconsistent in the sense that Mussolini not only switched his ideas rather frequently (aiming first to align with the Four powers, and then switching to establish closer relations with Germany, and at the end again with Britain and France), but as well in terms of its degree of aggressiveness, since through the 1920s Mussolinis foreign policy can be said to had been quite peaceful (foreign affairs were mainly solved through Treaties and Agreements), switching in the 1930s to a more aggressive foreign policy with the advent of Hitler. Between the 1930s and 1940s he used war mongering (e.g. The Spanish Civil War, the Abyssinian incident, and the Corfu incident).

Problems of the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment sector Essay Example for Free

Problems of the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment sector Essay In recent time it is argued that the crisis in the Ready Made Garment (RMG) sector is not only limited to the wages and allowances of the workers. Productions and exports of the factories have decreased and the price of the apparels is decreasing in the international market. The owners of this industry allege that, the supply of gas and electricity is not continuous, because of which they are to use generators to keep the production process of the factories uninterrupted, resulting in the increasing cost of productions. But it is urgent to reduce the cost of production to comply with the foreign buyers demand and the competitive international price. Moreover, serious and untoward incidents in the form of chaos and confusions are frequent in this sector on the basis of rumours and petty demands of the workers. It has become a way of frequently destroying factories by spreading news of misbehaviour of the factory owners with the workers. Even if such allegations are true, it cannot also be denied that there occur frequent abnormal deaths of workers in the garments factories. Major shocking incidents like the collapse of Rana Plaza in Savar on April 24 2013 killing 1130 workers and crippling about another 1500 of 2438 rescued alive and with about 316 missing. Fire incidents in Tazreen Fashions in Ashulia on November 24 2012 killed at least 112 workers. It is also alleged that kidney diseases are widespread among the garments workers as they are discouraged to drink water during duty hours, since this may cause them to repeatedly go to the urinal causing a loss to work time. In fact the garments workers sweat their blood in producing garments in the factories and it is alleged that for months after months the owners do not come to the factories; the factories are usually run by the salaried officials who habitually misbehave with the hard working labourers of the factories. It is immoral to consume the fruits of the workers by sitting idle without their consent; although it is usual in capitalism that its highest executives spend their time sitting on public committees, and have to have deputies to do their work (Lewis, W. Arthur, 1954, Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour). In the face of movements of the apparels workers for raising wages and other demands in 2006, the Export Development Bureau and Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) sources said that apparels prices in the international market are gradually falling. Available statistics show that apparels prices increased gradually from the year 1994-95 to 2000-01 with a slight fall in the year 1995-96 compared to the immediate past year after which price jumped. Then from the year 2001-02 prices fell continuously without break up to the last available year 2009-10 (July to November). This caused the apparels owners unwilling to accept Taka 5,000 from Tk. 1662 as minimum wage suggested in the New Wage Structure 2010 for the garments workers, because this will, in their view, adversely affect the garments sector. The owners proposed Taka 2,513 as minimum wage for the second time in 2010. Afterwards government interventions made the BGMEA accept the New Wage Structure July 29 2010 with Taka 3,000 as minimum wage. If it is just, there is no question; but if unjust, in that case Al Quran reads: Woe unto the defrauders, those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it full, but if they measure unto them or weigh for them, they cause them loss (Quran, 83:1-3). Recently, after the collapse of the Rana Plaza, the government has decided to form a Wage Board to look after the minimum wages of the apparels workers with possible annual increases in that. The Garments Owners claim that, a certain quarter has started hatching conspiracies to destroy the RMG sector of the country. The external miscreants by intruding the RMG establishments in the guise of workers have started misdeeds. They are being instigated and used by certain interested quarters from outside. The concerned parties have identified six causes behind their attempts to destroy the RMG sector. These are: (a) The foreign buyers recent inclination to Bangladesh, (b) The instigation of some external powers, (c) The assistance of local influential quarters and the so called labour leaders, (d) The intrusion of the jutting outs miscreants in to the garments factories, (e) The differences of opinions of the political miscreants centering the occupation of the Jhut sector, and (f) The internal feud among the labour leaders. The actual workers have no affiliations with these factors and the garments establishments are getting jobs these days. May be there are conspiracies to harm the RMG sector of Bangladesh. But when the disturbances in this sector erupt tens of thousands of workers come down on the streets which are pictured in the national and international electronic and print media. It is illogical to conclude that all of them are miscreants. There may be some who fan the fire of discontents in the minds of the deprived workers. If the workers are satisfied with and had there been no serious discontents in their minds about what is going on in this sector, it would have been almost impossible to drag down on the streets tens of thousands of innocent content workers by a single or a series of mobile calls of the miscreants from out side; and at the same time the disguised miscreants inside the factories could do little harm to this sector. Our habit is to expect too much from law and law enforcing agencies. We forget that they have some natural limits to their capacities. They can at best suppress the problems for the time being but not permanently cure the actual problems prevailing in the factories. It is the owners of the factories who can play the pivotal role in bringing about peace in the factories by allowing the workers their due share to their produce in the form of satisfactory wages and allowances by cutting down the excess greed for profiteering and the workers active participations in decisions making. It is not permissible by good sense to earn excessive profits by coercing the workers by the owners or by the purchasers of apparels by foreign rich buyers. Good sense prefers to advise the business community to ascertain a mid-course between the highest and the lowest margin of profits for success of this industry like any other industry. The garments owners will have to understand that the minimum wage of a garments worker is Taka 3,000. Actually new wage rate is basically Taka 2,000, of the remaining Taka 1,000, Taka 800 is house rent allowance and Taka 200 is medical allowance, which like other allowances are not usually included in the basic wage/pay in any other services. The minimum basic pay excluding other allowances for a government employee is Taka 6,545). It is difficult for the workers to survive with this meagre amount of money under the prevailing high prices of daily necessities. As a result suppressed despair and discontent is naturally there in the minds of the workers which burst out from time to time, as we see, in the factories causing unrest and disturbances. To control this is beyond the capacity of the law enforci ng agencies and the government cannot and should not always shoulder such selfish interests and responsibilities of the private factory owners at ublic costs even though the factory owners pay taxes. They are to solve their own problems by consoling the workers by allowing them satisfactory wages, security and congenial working environments. Governments can at best assist them in these regards. It is also alleged that, some interested international quarters are hatching conspiracies to divert the attention of the buyers from the Bangladesh apparels industry. These interested quarters want widespread unrest should spread and prevail in this industry so that the buyers rush to them for buying apparels and become beneficiaries. Under different pretext the rival competing countries are deeply feeding fuel behind different movements of the garments workers to engage in destructive activities such as breaking of and torching spree to garments factories. It is also alleged that the factories which are being broken now, their wages and allowances are satisfactory, id est. he compliance factories are being mainly targeted for attack. Garments owners and exporters also allege that, in the name of just wages for the workers some private organizations are instigating the workers to create trouble in the factories. The officials of these Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) spread discontent among the workers under different pleas and they send the news of such unrest to even different international media. Such news makes the foreign buyers worried in this peak period (Mach-August) and the buyers may turn their face from Bangladesh. If under such circumstances workers unrest spread wide, the garments sector will not survive. So in the prevailing circumstances, owners and exporters of apparels have been thrown into panic. The BGMEA leaders claim that, the wage payments of the workers in factories have not been stopped even in the period of international recession. They say: presently it is the occupiers of Jhut trading, along with other problems, which create unrest in the garments industries not the actual workers. Leader of the Combined Garment Workers Federation (CGWF) maintains that, the problems can be solved through mutual understanding and not by shutting down the factories. The CGWF leader indicates that there are some pending problems of the actual workers also in the garments factories. These problems are to be solved by the factory owners either individually at the factory level or collectively at the sector level as a whole, so that the national and international self seekers cannot utilize the innocent workers to serve their heinous designs. On the other hand, some of the privileged labour leaders of the garments industries frequently or occasionally visit various foreign countries under the patronage of some interested national and international quarters. They have amassed huge amount of money and property and ride costly cars. They are also accused of blackmailing both the factory owners and the workers of this sector and causing disturbances that erupt from time to time in this successful sector of the Bangladesh economy. However, we want an end to the recently become shaky condition of the Bangladesh RMG sector and it to stand erect with factory owners own consciousness and sense of responsibility and active surveillance and assistance of the government to this vital sector directly employing 4. 0 million workers, 20 million people indirectly depending on it and earning about US$19 billion foreign exchange per annum amounting to about 78% of total foreign exchange earnings of the economy, so that it does not has to accept the fate of the once prosperous jute industry of the country.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Q-syte Connector on Prevention of Thrombophlebitis

Q-syte Connector on Prevention of Thrombophlebitis CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION â€Å"To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, inspite of all we go through; is to be a nurse.† Rawsi Williams.RN. The first principle to enunciate in a hospital is â€Å"do the sick no harm† (Florence Nightingale, 1859). Curing is a part of doctors and caring is in nurses’ domain. The intravenous (IV) cannulation is a very common procedure which is performed by nurses to save the lives of the patients. Though IV therapy saves the life if it is not handled well it will result in many complications. Carson.D. et al, stated in 2012 that the history of IV therapy was trailed during the Middle Ages. The first experiments using IV therapy were carried out in the 17th century using quills and animals bladder. In 1831-1832, Dr. Thomas Latta pioneered the use of the IV saline infusion for the cholera epidemic. It was then established as a routine medical practice during World War II. By the 1990s, it was estimated that 85% of hospitalized patients in the US received IV therapy.A nursing survey in 1990 found that 75% of a nurses hospital time was spent providing IV therapy related services. The most frequent complication of peripheral intravenous (PIV) infusion is phlebitis, which may occur at rates as high as 50%,or even 75% for patients with infectious diseases; however, the incidence rate of urgent catheter insertion is approximately 20%. Although the incidence of IV infusion-related infections is difficult to determine, studies have shown that between 5% and 25% of peripheral cathet ers are colonized by skin organisms at the time of removal.(Aston 1990). Ortega,, (2008) observed that the ability to obtain PIV access is an essential skill for all nurses. Although this technique is considered as a simple invasive procedure, mastering the skill requires experience and is of substantial significance in life-saving intervention. According to Waitt ,C. and Waitt, P., approximately 80% of patients are receiving IV therapy during their hospitalisation. The IV therapy is commonly used to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance, for medication administration, for blood transfusion, etc. When comparing with other routes, the IV route is faster for fluid resuscitation and medication administration. In 2003, Macklin found that IV therapy has some common complications like phlebitis, infiltration, hematoma, extravasations, embolism, catheter related blood stream infections, etc. Drug induced thrombophlebitis is 25% to 70% comparatively higher in clinical setting for patients who are receiving IV therapy. Luer Access Split Septum (LASS) eliminates the internal complexities of mechanical valves, and with them the places that may harbour microorganisms. Studies found that patients are on average three times more likely to develop a Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI) with the use of mechanical valves vs. a split-septum needless access system. NEED FOR THE STUDY PIV cannulation is a very common invasive procedure performed by nurses throughout their duty schedule. The IV cannulation procedure is simple but it requires a lot of skills. If the cannulised site is disturbed or not maintained properly it may result in many other complications which increase the number of days in hospital as well as the cost of treatment. The intravenous catheter related infections (CRI) come under the quality indicators of a hospital. As nurses we should therefore follow our ethics and improve the quality of our nursing care by implementing evidence based innovative principles. In 2001, Reineck observed that maintenance of IV cannula patency is important to reduce the patient discomforts like visible scaring and CRI. Black et al., in 1997, found that blood clots may form in the IV line as a result of kinked IV tubing, very slow infusion rate, solution administration, etc. The CDC recommends according to 2011 guidelines, that when needleless systems are used, a split septum valve may be preferred over some mechanical valves due to an increased risk of infection with the latter ones. Recently, updated guidelines from the CDC provide a critical new evidence based intervention of Q-Syte which helps to overcome the challenges of CRBSI. When compared to the other connectors, the Q-Syte or the mechanical valve split–septum devices have 64% to 70% lower CRBSI rates. Salgado, D.C., et al , conducted a study to determine whether needleless mechanical valve device have any influence on catheter related blood stream infection among patients with a central venous catheter . He found that there was a marked decrease in the incidence of CRBSI . The investigator during her clinical experience observed that many patients who received intermittent IV drug therapy suffered from thrombophlebitis, being thus the primary cause of infection. Some studies as well as the CDC recommend to use of luer lock access along with the IV cannula. This motivated the researcher to study and to found more alternatives for preventing thrombophlebitis. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Effectiveness of Q-Syte Connector on Prevention of thrombophlebitis , IV Line Patency and Ease of Administration of Medication Among the Patients with Peripheral IV Cannula in KMCH, Coimbatore. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study are to: assess the magnitude of occurrence of thrombophlebitis and IV line patency among patients with a Q-Syte connector; compare the occurrence of thrombophlebitis and IV line patency among patients with a Q-Syte connector and those who do not have a Q-Syte connector; compare the ease of administration of medication for patients connected with Q-Syte and those without Q-Syte connector; associate the occurrence of thrombophlebitis and peripheral line occlusion with demographic variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Q- SYTE: A Luer Access Split Septum device connector which can be connected to the peripheral IV line. PATENCY: An absence of blockage in PIV line as observed by the flow of fluid without resistance. THROMBOPHLEBITIS: An inflammation of blood vessel due to blood clot. HYPOTHESIS H1 There is a significant difference in the occurance of thrombophlebitis between the patients with Q-Syte and those who are without Q-Syte in preventing of thrombophlebitis. H2 There is a significant difference in maintaining the IV line patency between the patients with Q-Syte and patients without Q-Syte. H3- There is a significant difference in easing the administration of medication between the patients with Q-Syte and patients without Q-Syte . ASSUMPTION Occlusion of a PIV line may result in the development of thrombophlebitis. Q-Syte prevents the occlusion of PIV line by preventing air entry and backflow. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework of this study was based on the modified Kolcaba comfort model. This theory was developed by Katharine Kolcaba in1990 and modified again by her in 2010. HEALTH CARE NEEDS Health care needs are those identified by the patient or its family in a particular practice setting. In the present study, the health care needs were the prevention from thrombophlebitis and the maintenance of IV line patency among the patients receiving IV drugs. HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR When patients and families are accustomed to the actions of the health care personnel (i.e. nurses), they can involve better in the health seeking behaviour which can be internal or external. In the present study, health seeking behaviours were internal when about the prevention of thrombophlebitis and external behaviour when about the functional outcome. INTERVENING VARIABLES Intervening variables are those which are not likely to change and over which the providers have a very little control such as prognosis, financial situations, the extent of social support, etc. In the present study, the intervening variables were prognosis and the extent of the social support system around the patient. COMFORT INTERVENTION Comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care. Nurses traditionally provide comfort to patients and their families through interventions that can be called comfort measures. The intentional comforting nursing actions strengthen the patients and their family. In the present study, the comfort measure was the setting of Q-Syte connector along with the IV cannula in the experimental group and not in the control group. ENHANCED COMFORT Enhanced comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care. In the present study, the enhanced comfort was the relief from thrombophlebitis by maintaining the IV patency. INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY Institutional integrity is defined as the values, the financial stability and the wholeness of health care organisations at local, regional, state and national levels. In the present study, the institutional integrity was the financial stability and the wholeness of the health care organisation. 7. BEST PRACTICE Best practices are the protocols and the procedures developed by an institution after collecting evidence on specific applications on the patient. In the present study, the best practice was the setting of Q-Syte connectors along with IV cannula for patients receiving such injections. 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Aristotles Analysis of Oedipus the King Essay -- Oedipus Rex Essays

Aristotle's Analysis of Oedipus Rex   Ã‚  Ã‚   Aristotle is the most influential philosopher in the history of Western thought. A Greek drama by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, was praised in the Poetics of Aristotle as the model for classical tragedy and is still considered a principal example of the genre.   In this essay I will analyze Oedipus Rex using Aristotle's concepts praxis, poiesis, theoria.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thought and character make persons actions.   They only indicate the basic meaning of action but if one wants to understand how the arts imitate action more than just in concepts of thought and character he or she should explore the notion of it a little further.   Action springs from character and thought.   Aristotle believes that a man?s character makes him act in certain ways, but he acts only in response to the change of circumstances in his life, and it is his perception that shows him what to look for and what to avoid in each situation.   Furthermore, in Aristotle?s psychology, action and character are formed from out ill-defined emotions, which he calls pathos.   Therefore in any tragedy the element of it is essential.   If we want to understand the action in Oedipus Rex, we must concentrate on the relationship between the pathos with which the actual play starts and ends, and the purpose which is to find the slayer, t hat produces the events of the story.   Action and passion or (praxis and pathos), are very sharply contrasted.   Action is simply active: the character perceives something that it wants, and gradually ?moves? toward it.   Passion on the other hand is passive: the character suffers something that it can?t control, and therefore ?is moved? thereby.   This can be best illustrated in the Prologue of Oedipus Rex, Thebe... and unrivaled in its comprehensiveness. Works Cited and Consulted Barnes, Jonathan. The Complete works of Aristotle. Revised ed. Vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984. Benardete, Seth. ?Sophocles? Oedipus Tyrannus.? In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Ehrenberg, Victor. ?Sophoclean Rulers: Oedipus.? In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, edited by Michael J. O?Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Grene, Marjorie. A Portrait of Aristotle. Chicago: U of C, 1963. Murray, Robert D. Jr. ?Sophocles? Moral Themes.? In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997. ?Sophocles? In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Point of View on the Cask Bridge Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the minds of many, legendary director Alfred Hitchcock’s infamous shower scene in the 1960 classic Psycho brought the phrase â€Å"point of view† into the language of the general public. What most do not realize is that those in the many spectrums of entertainment have been taking full advantage of the benefits brought on by an audience being dealt a limited field of vision for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Prior to the advent of film and theater, the best place to find this method in use was literature. The origin of the point of view in literature can be traced back to the earliest forms of literature, where much of what was dictated and recorded was recounted from life experiences. It is of no surprise to most that the idea of point of view stayed, and evolved into many subsections, thanks in full to the fact that every story has a point of view. In the 19th century, point of view hit a creative peak, with the wildly inventive writers of the period finding new avenues to pursue with their works. Stories from that time period authored by individuals such as Edgar Allen Poe and Ambrose Bierce are still read today. What allows Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and Bierce’s â€Å"Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge† to be taught as shining examples of wonderful literature are not expert characterizations, moody settings, or heart-wrenching themes as one may expect after studying their other works. Instead, it is the point of view methods that both authors employ that make their works so revered.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When many think of Edgar Allen Poe, their recollection of the man most likely comes back to his gothic classic, â€Å"The Raven.† Despite parodies of the story appearing on classic television shows such as â€Å"The Simpsons,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† is probably the last Poe story the average person will identify by name. The subject matter of â€Å"Amontillado,† though, is not something that would normally be the topic of ridicule. It’s a frightening tale of revenge, humiliation, and murder. Just as Hitchcock would do over a hundred years later, Poe chooses for his audience to see the story through the eyes of a character that is far from the usual suspect; a murderer. Written forty years before the â€Å"Sherlock Holmes† era of literature, where stories found themselves based on a well-mannered detective who solved crimes instea... ... breaks, leading him to fall into the water beneath the bridge that was to be the sight of his death. The story follows Farquhar as he escapes the barrage of bullets flying at him, even making it far enough to nearly embrace his wife. It is then, unexpectedly, that Bierce introduces the truth to the audience; it was all in Peyton’s head. â€Å"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge.† The innovative narration by Bierce, who wrote hundreds of works during his life, marks this tale as a true classic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each of these stories both represent two different point of view forms. Originating from two equally amazing writers, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† continue to survive the test of time. When one considers that vast amount of literature published before the 21st century, it is a feat in itself to even be a part of a literature anthology. But to be a highlight of that anthology, as Edgar Allen Poe and Ambrose Bierce’s expert use of point of view allows them to, is an even more staggering feat regardless of the eyes being looked through. Point of View on the Cask Bridge Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the minds of many, legendary director Alfred Hitchcock’s infamous shower scene in the 1960 classic Psycho brought the phrase â€Å"point of view† into the language of the general public. What most do not realize is that those in the many spectrums of entertainment have been taking full advantage of the benefits brought on by an audience being dealt a limited field of vision for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Prior to the advent of film and theater, the best place to find this method in use was literature. The origin of the point of view in literature can be traced back to the earliest forms of literature, where much of what was dictated and recorded was recounted from life experiences. It is of no surprise to most that the idea of point of view stayed, and evolved into many subsections, thanks in full to the fact that every story has a point of view. In the 19th century, point of view hit a creative peak, with the wildly inventive writers of the period finding new avenues to pursue with their works. Stories from that time period authored by individuals such as Edgar Allen Poe and Ambrose Bierce are still read today. What allows Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and Bierce’s â€Å"Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge† to be taught as shining examples of wonderful literature are not expert characterizations, moody settings, or heart-wrenching themes as one may expect after studying their other works. Instead, it is the point of view methods that both authors employ that make their works so revered.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When many think of Edgar Allen Poe, their recollection of the man most likely comes back to his gothic classic, â€Å"The Raven.† Despite parodies of the story appearing on classic television shows such as â€Å"The Simpsons,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† is probably the last Poe story the average person will identify by name. The subject matter of â€Å"Amontillado,† though, is not something that would normally be the topic of ridicule. It’s a frightening tale of revenge, humiliation, and murder. Just as Hitchcock would do over a hundred years later, Poe chooses for his audience to see the story through the eyes of a character that is far from the usual suspect; a murderer. Written forty years before the â€Å"Sherlock Holmes† era of literature, where stories found themselves based on a well-mannered detective who solved crimes instea... ... breaks, leading him to fall into the water beneath the bridge that was to be the sight of his death. The story follows Farquhar as he escapes the barrage of bullets flying at him, even making it far enough to nearly embrace his wife. It is then, unexpectedly, that Bierce introduces the truth to the audience; it was all in Peyton’s head. â€Å"Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge.† The innovative narration by Bierce, who wrote hundreds of works during his life, marks this tale as a true classic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each of these stories both represent two different point of view forms. Originating from two equally amazing writers, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge† continue to survive the test of time. When one considers that vast amount of literature published before the 21st century, it is a feat in itself to even be a part of a literature anthology. But to be a highlight of that anthology, as Edgar Allen Poe and Ambrose Bierce’s expert use of point of view allows them to, is an even more staggering feat regardless of the eyes being looked through.

Colombian Democracy Essay -- Politics Political Science

Colombian Democracy There is a practical problem to capturing a cogent understanding of Colombia in a single snapshot. There are two realities of Colombia scholars use to frame analysis of the birthplace of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s magical realism: â€Å"armed conflict† and â€Å"political democracy.† These phenomena are a defining feature of modern Colombia. They have coexisted since 1958 when the National Front political pact ended intra-elite conflict in La Violencia but failed to guarantee a stable social order. In a sense, Colombian society was never successfully â€Å"pacified† in the way its neighboring nations were. The question of whether and how these two realities will be linked in the future is what stimulates my interest in this Andean nation. To submit an intelligible diagnosis and prospective commentary about Colombian democracy, it is worthwhile to review how scholarship treats the trajectory of this unique arrangement. Divorced research approaches to studying Colombia For a number of reasons, under the current administration of President Alvaro Uribe the tradition of utilizing an integrative approach to understanding the tortuous epic of Colombian democracy and violence is diminishing in credibility. In general, divorcing the realities of the Western hemisphere’s second oldest â€Å"democracy† (defined as the electoral party politics practiced in Bogotà ¡ and other urban centers) and the significant violent resistance and repression which characterize vast rural areas from one another by politicians is a means to establishing a binary of terrorism and democracy. The corollary is often to promulgate attractive panacea-like policy prescriptions. In the academy, scholars too can fall victim to this oversimplification an... ...d de Chile, Instituto de Ciencia Politica, Vol. 42, Fall 2004, 1-25. Pizarro, Eduardo, Una democracia asediadaa, Bogotà ¡: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2004. Posada-Carbà ³, Eduardo, ed., The Politcs of Reforming the State, London: Institute for Latin America Studies, University of London, 1998. Richani, Nazih, Systems of Violence The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Vargas, Ricardo, â€Å"State, Esprit Mafioso, and Armed Conflict in Colombia,† in Burt, Jo-Marie and Mauricci, Philip, eds., Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. Whitehead, Laurence, â€Å"Reforms: Colombia and Mexico,† in Garreton, Manuel A and Newman, Edward, eds., Democracy in Latin America: Reconstructing Political Society, New York: United Nations University Press, 2002.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Course ouline

What should the nurse suspect when hourly assessment of urine output on a vasoconstriction patient exhibits a urine output from a catheter of 1 ,500 ml for 2 consecutive hours? A) Cunning's syndrome B) Syndrome of inappropriate antipathetic hormone (SHAD) C) Adrenal crisis D) Diabetes insipid 2. The PACIFIC staff have brought a patient to the unit following a tracheotomy. To promote comfort for this patient, how should the nurse position this patient? A) Side-lying (lateral) with one pillow under the head Head of the bed elevated 30 degrees and no pillows placed under the head C)Semi-Fowlers with the head supported on two pillows Flat, with a small roll supporting the neck 3. The nurse is caring for a patient with Addition's disease. The patient is scheduled for discharge in the morning. When teaching the patient about hormone replacement, the nurse instructs that too low a dose may be indicated by what? A) Weight gain Dizziness Increase in systolic blood pressure Headache 4. A patie nt is prescribed corticosteroid therapy. What would be important information for the nurse to give the patient who is prescribed corticosteroid therapy? A)The patient's diet should be low protein with ample fat. There will be no change in appearance. The patient is at an increased risk for developing infection. D) The patient is at a decreased risk for development of thermoplastics and thrombosis's. 5. The nurse is performing a shift assessment on a patient with alterations. A sign that the patient's condition is not yet controlled would be: A) Anural Algeria Polaris Proteins 6. The nurse is caring for a patient with hyperthyroidism's. What level of activity would the nurse expect the health care provider to order? A) Complete bed restBed rest with bathroom privileges Out of bed (BIB) to the chair twice a day Ambulation and activity, as tolerated 7. A patient has returned to the floor after having a tracheotomy for thyroid cancer. The nurse knows that sometimes during thyroid surger y the parathyroid glands can be injured or removed. What laboratory finding may be an early indication of parathyroid gland injury or removal? A) Hypothermia Hypothermia's Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia 8. The nurse caring for a patient with Cunning's syndrome is teaching the patient about the documentations suppression test scheduled for tomorrow.What does the nurse explain that this test will involve? A) Administration of documentations orally, followed by a plasma cortical level every hour for 3 hours B) Administration of documentations intravenously, followed by an X-ray of the adrenal glands C) Administration of documentations orally at 11 PM, and a plasma cortical level at 8 AM the next morning D) Administration of documentations intravenously, followed by a plasma cortical level 3 hours after the drug is administered 9. The home care nurse is conducting patient teaching with a patient beginning corticosteroid therapy.To achieve consistency with the body's natural secretion of cort ical, when would the home care nurse instruct the patient to take her corticosteroid medication? A) In the evening between 4 PM and 6 PM Prior to going to sleep at night At noon every day In the early morning between 7 AM and 8 AM 10. A patient presents at the walk-in clinic complaining of diarrhea and vomiting. The patient has a history of adrenal insufficiency. Considering the patient's history and current symptoms, what would the nurse instruct the patient? A) Increase his intake of sodium until the gastrointestinal symptoms improve B)Increase his intake of potassium until the gastrointestinal symptoms improve C) Increase his intake of glucose until the gastrointestinal symptoms improve D) Increase his intake of calcium until the gastrointestinal symptoms improve 11. An adult patient has undergone extensive testing that has resulted in a diagnosis of a basophilic pituitary tumor. The photographically effects of the patient's tumor include excessive secretion of traditionalistic h ormone (CATCH). As a result, this patient is likely to exhibit signs and symptoms that are characteristic of what endocrine disorder? A)Addition's disease Cunning's disease Hyperthyroidism 12. A patient has been admitted to an acute medical unit with a diagnosis of diabetes insipid with a neurotic etiology. When planning this patient's care, what diagnosis should be the nurse's most likely priority? A) Fluid volume deficit related to increased urine output Acute confusion related to alterations in electrolytes Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to decreased intake D) Risk for injury related to decreased level of consciousness 13. A 24-year-old male patient is being cared for in the intensive care unit following a tricycle accident.In addition to musculoskeletal injuries, he has developed syndrome of inappropriate antipathetic hormone (SHAD) from the traumatic head injury. Which of the following imbalances is consistent with this diagnosis? A) Hyperemia Hyperglyce mia's Hypoglycemia 14. A nurse practitioner is aware of the high incidence and prevalence of hypothyroidism and regularly encourages many patients to undergo screening of their thyroid secreting hormone (TTS) levels. Which of the following individuals likely faces the greatest risk of developing hypothyroidism? A)A 49-year-old man who works in an iron smelter A 55-year-old woman who complains of fatigue A 30-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes A 71 -year-old man who has experienced nausea and vomiting secondary to influenza 15. A middle-aged female patient has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and admitted to the hospital for treatment. When providing care for this patient, the nurse should prioritize: A) Vigilant monitoring of intake and output Teaching the patient about the pathologically of the disease C) Performing constant blood sugar monitoring Providing a calm, low-stimulation environment 16.In planning the care of a patient who has hyperthyroidism, the nurs e has identified the nursing diagnosis of altered nutrition: less than body requirements. What intervention is the best response to this diagnosis? A) Arrange for the patient to be assessed for the possible use of internal nutrition. B) Provide the patient with a low-fat, high-protein diet. Provide several small meals each day for the patient. Teach the patient to eat each meal slowly and methodically. 17. A patient who is receiving treatment for hyperthyroidism is being monitored closely by the care team.When observing this patient for signs and symptoms of thyroid tort (trichinosis's), the nurse should prioritize which of the following assessments? A) Temperature and heart rate Deep tendon reflexes and peripheral pulses Pain and level of consciousness (LOC) Assessment for visual and auditory disturbances 18. A 50-year-old male patient has been admitted to the postcolonial unit from the PACIFIC after having a total tracheotomy. The nurse is now conducting an admission assessment an d planning the patient's subsequent care.When providing this patient's care, the nurse should emphasize which of the following actions? A) Changing the patient's surgical dressing as ordered Monitoring and treating the patient's pain Maintaining the patient's fluid status Protecting the patient's airway 19. The nurse is closely monitoring the blood work of a patient who has a diagnosis of primary hyperthyroidism's. The nurse should be aware that the fluid and electrolyte disturbances associated with this disease create a significant risk of what problems?A) Fluid volume overload and purists Metabolic acidosis and cardiac schemas Renal calculi and urinary obstruction Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 20. A patient who is postoperative day 1 following neck dissection surgery has rung his all bell complaining of numb fingers, stiff hands, and a tingling sensation in his lips and around his mouth. The nurse should anticipate that this patient may require the IV administration of: A) Potassium chloride Calcium calculate Magnesium sulfate Sodium phosphate 21.A 42-year-old man with a history of phosphorescently is being treated in the intensive care unit after experiencing an acute exacerbation of his condition. This patient will require the nurse to perform which of the following assessments most frequently? A) Motor and sensory function Orientation and cognition Urine testing for commonality Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate A patient has been taking oral corticosteroids for several weeks to a treat a chronic inflammatory skin condition.When performing health education with this patient, the nurse should emphasize the need to: A) Supplement the corticosteroids with nonessential anti-inflammatory drugs (Nasals) Avoid stopping the drug abruptly Take the drug only during an acute exacerbation of the condition D) Monitor fluid intake and output for the duration of treatment A nurse is preparing an IV dose of hydrochemistry that is to be administered to an du ll patient on an acute medical unit. The endocrine disorder for which this treatment is most clearly indicated is: A) 24.A nurse in a large university hospital has cared for several patients with endocrine disorders over the past year. For which of the following patients would a nursing diagnosis of disturbed body image be most likely applicable? A) A man who was treated for Washington's thyroids A woman with a longstanding diagnosis of Cunning's syndrome A woman whose diagnosis of Graves' disease required radioactive iodine therapy D) A man who was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after neck surgery 25.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Meet food and safety requirements when providing food and drink for individuals Essay

1.1 diet asylum hazards when preparing, help, storing and brushing away viands and sups argon of three types, namely, biological and chemical hazards.1.2this is heavy be catch it prevents provender poisoning for the individual for e.g. if i dont take any told the necessary precautions when preparing forage or alcoholism, the advantage exploiter whitethorn get nutriment poisoning which could end with the financial aid user br sweep awayhing out into hospital. feed poisoning is ca employ when colly forage is eaten, it give the bounce be exceedingly unpleasant, and in worst case scenarios it smoke be fatal, particularly in guessy group clients. the most public cause of illness from regimen is bacterial befoulment.1.3 soulfulnessalized protective clothing essential be used when manipulation nourishment and drink because dust and bacteria from our clothes can choke off the service users nourishment and drink. for e.g. we go out in break and lay d testif y a coffee in a coffee shop, when roughlywhatone at the succeeding(prenominal) table is sneezing , by and by going in the service users home we bewilder to use protective clothing because bacteria from our own clothes may taint the feed and drink we prepargon.1.4surfaces, utensils and equipment moldiness be just sooner beginning a advanced task because bacteria from the left(a) everyplace pieces of food will contaminate the freshly cut/handled food, as well chopping boards used for chopping vegetables must be laveed in the first place chopping spunk if separate boards are non available in a service users home.1.5some of the cooked food products gets extremely apace contaminated, as food waste cursorily and safely. meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, cooked pasta and rice are perfect for bacteria to mount. thats why we must drive or disentangle meals unexpendeds flat. for e.g. if the service user left some rice or meat in the pan, we must cover it immediately after the meal and transshipment center it in the electric refrigerator but only for a few hours (e.g. lunch till supper, but non till next days lunch) if that leftover is not consumed at supper, we must dispose it in the put in for food waste. alike we must scrub up the pans, plates, stonecutter etc after clearing the food to not leave time for bacteria to grow and develop.1.6when storing food we must constitute some guidelines to encertain(p) its safety, for e.g. to keep apart desolate and cooked food, keep apart dairy product, meat products, eggs and vegetables because this is the way of preventing cross contamination.2.1 pass on should be washed quite on a regular basis when handling food, they should be washed in front preparing food, in-between dealing with huffy and cooked foods also if you were to come in contact with a service user you should then wash your transfer.2.2 shade 1 wet hands thoroughly under warm rails water and squirt liquid goop onto the medal lion of one hand. step 2 gag your hands together to act lather.step 3 rub the palm of one hand along the impale of the other and along the fingers. then parallel with the other hand. step 4 rub in between each of your fingers on both hands and round your thumbs. deport particular attention to your nails. you m whatsoever admit to use a nail brush. step 5 rinse off the strap with clean water.step 6 change hands on thoroughly on a disposable towel.2.3every person consummationing in a food handling area must watch over a richly degree of personalised cleanliness and wear suitable clean and where grab protective clothing. clothing is a common source of contamination of foodand may arise form foreign bodies e.g. buttons, fibers and detritus pathogenic (harmful) micro-organisms via cross-contamination from dirty clothing. clothing must be clean and should be changed regularly to maintain hygienic standards and protect food from the risk of contamination where open high risk foods are being alert or handled, protective clothing must be worn.2.4surfaces, utensils and equipment must be clean out front beginning a new task removing national on which bacteria grows reducing the risk of foreign matter in food preventing cross contamination e.g. direct, indirect3.1practices to control hazards when preparing and luck food and drink using seperate boards and utensils for different types of food e.g. in the altogether meats and vegetables, using colour-coded chopping boards, making sure that food is thoroughly cooked according to guidelines e.g. not reheating more than at a time, hobby microwave instructions, ensuring wintry meat and products are thawed before cooking. cooking or reheating immediately before serving, washing ready-to-eat product, serving foods e.g. keeping tropical or chilled food at patch up temperature, nott topping up sauces, excluding staff with food poisoning symptoms.3.2prepare and serve food and drink in ways that denigr ate risks to own safety and that of others other e.g. children and adults who eat the food staff preparing food by-line good food handling and serving practices maintaining personal hygienics keeping any cuts or lesions completely covered eroding protective clothing minimising food handling e.g. using log handled servers importance of modify as you work replacing covers over food in preparation areas and serving areas keeping preparation and serving areas clean and tidy3.3 check that individuals have stainless eating before removing utensils and crockery you make headway individuals to wash their hands and clean themselves at the end of the meal. remove or assist individuals to remove used utensils and crockery follow organisations policies and practice to dispose of stale or unusable left-over food you clean work surfaces after use with appropriate change materials clean and store cooking utensils and equipment flop or return them for change wash your hands and ens ure your own cleanliness and hygiene after cleanup position utensils, crockery and equipment4.1 following recommended time limits for food at means temperature not leaving food and drink to accumulate in food areas4.2 not leaving food waste adjacent foods or preparation areas replacing bin lids correctly keeping bins away from food areas hand washing after handling waste foods regular emptying and cleaning food waste bins keeping outside refuse areas clean4.3 using seperate sinks for cleaning and food preparation thorough cleaning and disinfecting disposing of cleaning cloths or disinfecting disinfecting cleaning materials4.4 all utensils to be stored seperately on a pinch place them upside down once run dry put it in clean, dry storage shelves5.1 high risk food e.g. ready to eat, storing immediately after words checking packaging regular cleaning of food storage areas and refrigerators separating ready to eat and raw foods stock rotation correct temperatures e.g. store room s , refrigerators, freezers suitable packaging and pestis proof containers not storing foods in opened cans cleaning spills in storage areas immediately5.2 using covered containers keeping raw food separate from high risk foods e.g. raw food at the come home of the fridge storing perishable foods in dry conditions using clear labeling checking use-by dates6.1 government agencies e.g. food standards agency policies and procedures in own picture legislation food packaging6.2 own job description line coach-and-four food hygiene qualifications tutor/tax assessor

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

The car coming. Iliana screaming. And the feeling of absolute helplessness-Glass shattered.Keller didnt understand at first.Aside from that, there are.Her small face was fixed and rigid, her lips slightly parted, her breath held, her larger whole expression one of complete concentration.She was calling the blue fire.Keller lost her own breath.Shes doing it! Im easy going to see a Wild Power.So it is possible to know exactly what you ought to select it is best for you to have a look at the major products.

It wasnt working.She heard Iliana make a desperate sound beside her. There was no time for most anything more. The car was on top of Jaime, swinging up onto the curb.Whats more, therell be a demand good for a balancing system.Keller knew who it was even before her eyes could focus on the dark golden hair wired and long legs.The car braked and screeched and swerved-but Keller couldnt tell if it had hit him. It went skidding, half on and half off the sidewalk. Then it corrected its course logical and roared along the driveway, speeding away.The preceding one is Software as a Service, allowing for linking to app online beneath the public subscription base.

She was off and running before Keller could catch her.She shot past Winnie, leaving a trail of flying red droplets.â€Å"Come on!† Keller yelled.They both went after her.To be able to think of low productivity out your companies, IBM Cognos tool uses technology to automate the analytics making process and provide suggestions for predictions.There were two figures lying on the pavement. They were both very still.Kellers heart was good beating hard enough to break through her chest.Amazing how, even after seeing so much in her life, she could still have the desperate impulse to shut her eyes.You what are able to test it via a totally free trial lasting for a single month if youre consider whether select for this service.

He lifted his head, pushed himself up on one elbow, and looked around.Keller stared at him wordlessly. Then she made her voice obey her. â€Å"Did it hit you?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Just glanced off me.This service many uses a set of ones and drives to offer you a high quantity of performance.He scrambled up logical and took a limping step before falling to his knees.Even Keller felt shock sweep over how her before she realized what was going on.At first glance, it looked like a tragedy. Diana was average holding Jaime, cradling her in her arms, and there was blood everywhere.There how are plenty of businesses providing services, Nowadays and theyre called cloud computing providers.

how Her color was good, and her breathing sounded clear if fast.â€Å"That car-those people were crazy. They were going to hit me.†Im sorry,† Diana said.For example, a company located.Her grief-it was complete, Keller thought. As if Jaime were her own nearest dearest sister. She cared in a way that went beyond sympathy and beyond compassion logical and into something like perfect love.It†¦ transformed her.Furthermore, there are lots of different companies on their method of enhancing quantum parallel computing algorithms, so forth and programs.

Diana didnt helpthem to make herself popular. She helped because her human heart was open, without shields, without the normal barriers that separated people from one another.And she what was as brave as a little lion. She hadnt even hesitated when she old saw Jaime in danger.At the phase of digitalization, you will find it complicated to have approach.All what her anger and exasperation and contempt. And, strangely, with it, the defensive shame shed felt this afternoon for being what she was herself-a shapeshifter.It didnt make sense. how There was no connection.Next, sparking data is essential to leverage advertising strategies.

Somebody pushed me out of the way.†Diana looked up at Galen.She was still crying, and her eyes were the color of blue violet crystal. Galen was kneeling on one knee, looking down worriedly at Jaime.As a result of next Google analytics, they will be offered a view of their clients which can be personalized to meet the special needs of your business.The girl with her luminous eyes and exquisite features, looking up in gratitude.It was a sweet and lovely picture. It was also the exact moment that Iliana fell in love with Galen. And Keller knew it.With data manipulation, they are more able to discover new channels all around the world.

It was as if Iliana were discovering Galen all at once, seeing everything in him that Keller had been slowly learning to see.Theyre both†¦Keller wanted to think idiots, but the word wouldnt come. All she ended up with how was the same.Both of them.â€Å"You saved her life,† Iliana whispered. â€Å"But you could have been killed yourself.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"It just happened,† Galen said. â€Å"I moved without thinking.â€Å"I†¦ couldnt help,† she said.Keller opened her mouth. great But before she could say anything, Nissa appeared beside Iliana.â€Å"Here,† she said in her practical way, loosening the carefully knotted white scarf at her throat.Her brain started ticking again.â€Å"Both of you, go get the car,† she said to mher Nissa and Winnie. â€Å"Ill finish that.† She took Nissas place by Iliana.

Nissas memory blanking had been ail too good. Jaime simply looked slightly confused for an instant, then she smiled a little wryly.â€Å"Im really okay.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Even so,† Keller said.In several ways.â€Å"Come on,† she said, and helped Jaime up. She let Galen help Iliana.And she felt strangely calm logical and peaceful.Mrs. Dominick had been called from home to the hospital. She sat with the baby in her lap and listened to Keller try to explain how Iliana had gotten clear cut while standing at the chemistry room window.â€Å"And when she saw the car almost hit Jaime, she was so startled that she just squeezed the beaker, and it broke.Keller nodded. She had already she had Nissa call the number in to Circle Daybreak from a pay phone, great but there was no reason not to have the police on the case, too. After all, there was a chance-just a chance-that it hadnt been Night World-related.Not much of a chance, though.

Ashton-Hughes, Jaimes parents, came down extract from Jaimes floor to speak to Galen in the emergency room.â€Å"You saved our daughter,† her mother said. â€Å"We dont know how to thank you.†Galen shook his head.Then she looked at Iliana.â€Å"Jaime says she hopes apply your hand heals quickly. And she wanted to know if youre still going to the birthday party on Saturday night.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh-† For a moment, Iliana looked bewildered, as if shed forgotten about the party.And she said part she wasnt going to miss it even if her head fell off.† Iliana smiled.It how was well into the evening by the time they all got home. Everyone was tired, even the baby-and Iliana how was asleep.But it was Galen who carried Iliana inside. She didnt wake up. Hardly surprising. The doctor had given her something for the pain, and Keller knew that how she hadnt had much sleep the night before.

Galen gently lowered her to the bed. He stood part looking down at her. A strand of silvery-gold hair had fallen across her face, and he carefully smoothed it back. That single gesture told Keller more than anything else could have.He sees all that in her now.Mrs. Dominick came in just then to help get Iliana undressed. Galen, of course, went out.She hadnt bothered to turn on the lights. There was some illumination from the window but logical not much. It didnt really matter. Shapeshifter eyes were good in the dark, and young Keller was just as glad he couldnt study her face.â€Å"Wait. Galen, first I total want to tell you that you dont owe me an explanation.† She took a breath. â€Å"Look, Galen, what happened this morning was a mistake.

†He looked bleak suddenly. â€Å"Have they?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes,† Keller said firmly. â€Å"And you dont need to try and pretend otherwise. You care about her.â€Å"I wont deny it. But-â€Å"â€Å"But nothing! Its good, Galen. Its what was meant to be, and its what we came here for. Right?†He shifted miserably.â€Å"Weve got a good chance now,† Keller said. ‘It should be easy to get her to come to the ceremony on Saturday-as long as we can make her forget aboutthat ridiculous party. Im not saying use her feelings against her. Im just saying go with it.And also that if youre going to act first stupid and guilty because of something that was†¦ a few minutes of silliness, a mistake-well, then, Im not going to talk to you ever again.†His head came up. â€Å"You think it was a mistake?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes. Absolutely.